Monday, May 21, 2012

Tyson's Mighty Full Monty

            I did it!  After one year of complete abstinence, I literally did "IT".  I had sex!!!  And it was mind blowing, body quivering, heart-poundingly DELICIOUS!

No, it wasn’t with Rodrigo.  Although we had rekindled our high school flame, it looks like he’s also got some wood burning with Julie.    And IT certainly wasn’t with my boss.  Good old Mr. Fit may be easy on the eyes, but the fact that he hit on me when he knows FULL well I know he’s married with kids gave me the heeby jeebies.

The IT happened with my old co-worker Tyson.  We worked together at the L.A. Times before I was unceremoniously laid off six months ago.  Tyson and I were both staff writers for the paper. There had always been some electricity between the two of us.  And I'll admit it, also a little casual flirtation.  But at the time, I was in a long-term live-in relationship with my ex-boyfriend, Mark.  Mark also happened to be the Sports Editor at the L.A. Times.  He and Tyson were not friends, but they definitely knew one another and would say hello in passing when Mark would swing by my desk to pick me up for lunch dates.

About a year ago, Mark had what I call a 30-something crisis.  He quit his job at The Times.  He also broke up with me and decided to go on a “spiritual journey” in Brazil.  Yeah right! More like an Ass-tastic voyage.   So I moved out of our apartment and in with a roommate in Santa Monica.

After Mark’s exit from the paper, Tyson was ON it...and by IT, I mean ME. He started by taking me out for lunch almost everyday. Then he suggested some private golf lessons at a local course, which involved alot of him standing behind me as I swung clubs at the driving range.  He even started calling me whenever he was in my area, and we’d go out for Happy Hour followed by walks along Venice Beach.  

A few months later, I got laid off from the L.A. Times.  Tyson had given me a heads up before it happened. He said he’d been in our bosses office and noticed a document with the title SEVERANCE PACKAGES that had a list of names below.  So when myself and 8 other employees were called into the conference room that Friday morning by our Human Resources manager, Ken, I wasn’t surprised. 

I took my severance package and headed off to Europe for a few months for a whirlwind holiday meeting up with friends in various cities.  My mom even joined me in Paris for a few days.  It was an incredible adventure, and possibly the best way for me to avoid falling into a severe depression.  Think about it.  In the matter of a few months, I’d ended a three-year relationship, moved to a new part of town, and lost my job.  But the beaches of Ibiza, the wine of Italy, and the men of Spain definitely helped me recuperate.  That is, until I returned to L.A.  and I was without a job and watching all of my friends, get engaged, have babies, and buy homes.  That kind of explains why my new writing job for BE Fit Magazine came at just the right time.   I really needed that boost to my self-esteem.

Anyway, back to Tyson.  I was out shopping with my best girlfriend Camila when I got a call from Ty.

TYSON:  Hey there my little world traveler!

ME:  Hey Tyson. How are you?

TYSON:  I’d be doing a lot better if you had called me when you got back into town.

ME:  I’m sorry. I’ve just had a lot going on.  How are things at The Times?

TYSON:  Not good. People are dropping like flies. They let go of Martin, Sara and Lucy last week.

ME:  Are you serious? Lucy’s been there for 10 years!  And she's pregnant.

TYSON:  I know. It was really sad. It just isn’t the same here….without you.

ME:  Oh, I’m sure you’ve found some other girl to go golfing and have lunch with.

TYSON:  Nope.  I’ve been waiting for you.

ME: (blushing)  Whatever.

TYSON:  So, there’s this incredible exhibit at LACMA and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.  Maybe grab some dinner afterwards?

ME:   I heard about it. Is it the Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico exhibit?

TYSON:  That’s the one!  And they have live music outside on the lawn Friday night too.

ME:  Don’t say anything else.  You had me at Quetzalcoatl.

            The two of us enjoyed a beautiful night together.  We drank wine.  Lots of wine.  We ate good food. We danced under the stars and debated about the lack of art that portrays the Afro-Latin experience in America.  Then we made our way back to my place for a night cap. 

            Have you ever had the kind of sex that takes you to another realm?  I hadn’t experienced that before Friday night.   When we arrived at my apartment, I was happy to see my roommate left a note on the fridge saying he’d be gone for the weekend visiting his parents in Orange County.  I was just about to open up the cabinet to offer Tyson a drink, when he came up behind me.  He turned me around, grabbed my face with both of his hands and started kissing me so suddenly and passionately, it literally took my breath away.  My legs started to feel like wet noodles so I tried to steady myself by holding on to the counter.  Noticing my unsteadiness, Tyson picked me up and carried me upstairs.

TYSON:  Which way? (He growled in a deep voice that sounded nothing like his regular voice.)

I moaned and pointed towards my bedroom.

          Tyson laid me on the edge of the bed and pulled off his shirt revealing a tattoo on his chest and shoulder I had no idea was there. Then he slowly took off each piece of my clothing and kissed parts of my body I forgot existed.  His lips brushed over my shoulder, my collarbone, and the inside of my arm.  His tongue left a moist trail from the back of my knee all the way up into my inner thigh.  Then his mouth was between my legs and I felt like my body was elevated off of the bed.  I exhaled all of the pent up sadness, anger and disappointment that was living inside me from the loss of my relationship with Mark.  As Tyson slowly put his fingers inside of me, my body tightened and then I released all memory of anyone else’s touch before his.  His fingers tickled the inside of me as his mouth caressed the outside.  I felt the waves of orgasm start passing over me and I cried out as I released. 

            That was just the beginning.  Tyson then pulled back the covers, picked me up and laid me on the cool sheets. 

TYSON:  Are you ok?

ME:  I’m VERY good.

TYSON:  Good.

            He then pulled off his jeans and I noticed the rippling of thigh muscles beneath his tanned skin as he climbed in bed next to me.  As if by instinct, I immediately reached down to touch his body.  He was huge in my hands and I briefly wondered how THAT was going to fit inside of ME.  Tyson interrupted that thought as he turned me over onto my stomach and began lightly massaging my body, starting with my neck and moving his way down to my feet.  Then, I felt the full weight of his body on top of mine.  He brushed his member along the inside of my thigh. It was hard and warm and pulsated as it got closer to my vagina.  He placed the tip of himself inside of me and I moaned with pleasure and pain.  He slowly pushed a bit more and as I became wet, it made it easier for him to move deeper.

ME:  Hold on a second! We need a condom.


            I reached inside of my bedside table and fumbled around with my hand.  Nada.

ME:  Give me a second. I’ll try the bathroom.

            I tripped through the darkness into the bathroom and opened up the medicine cabinet.  Sure enough, there was the bag of goodies I’d gotten from Planned Parenthood.  I grabbed two condoms and headed back to my bedroom.  Tyson was laying on his back, completely naked with his hands behind his shaved head and his full monty standing erect and at attention.  I handed him the condom and he put it on, then growled as he playfully bit at my neck and climbed on top of me.  As he entered me, I thought how perfectly he fit inside of me.  We made love at least three times that night. And I climaxed double that number.   We fell asleep for a few hours sweaty and nestled in each other’s arms.  When I woke up, he was pulling his jeans on and looking for his shoes.

TYSON:  I wish I could stay for breakfast, but I promised the boys I’d meet them at 10am for golf.

ME:  I understand.

TYSON:  Thanks for last night.  It was out of this world.

ME:  Well I did study astronomy in college.

            Tyson laughed, kissed me and made his exit.

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