Saturday, November 26, 2011

Roses are Red. Violets are Blue. My ex is Getting Married. What's a Girl to Do?

As if this week couldn't get anymore depressing. I was doing my usual Facebook surfing this morning when I got an IM from an old friend, Nora. Haven't actually seen her in about 2 years. But thanks to the wonders of Facebook, we've kept in touch. So, my dear friend Nora messaged me...

NORA: How r u?

ME: Great! How are you? How are Cody and the kids?

NORA: Everyone's great. Have you heard about your ex?

ME: Kyle? No. Why?

Nora: Kyle's engaged.

Just to put this all in perspective, Kyle was the love of my life. I called him The Italian. He's built like a Greek God. Tanned skin. Athletic build. And a big mouth. Less Jersey Shore and more Miami Beach mobster. A gold chain, pinky ring, unbuttoned shirt and chest hair always completed his look.

We met my first day at the University of Miami. I was an innocent little Freshman. He was a mature junior and also my R.A. He invited me to his fraternity formal two weeks into the school year. I lost my virginity to him one month later. We dated for 6 years after that. He was my first REAL boyfriend, and I thought we'd eventually get married. He moved to San Diego after he graduated to attend medical school. I'd visit him on every break. And when I graduated, I left Miami to join him in sunny SoCal. After 1 year of living together in San Diego, the relationship came to an end. I was completely devastated. I felt like my world was turned upside down. I still remember the day we walked into our apartment after a trip to the grocery store. The Italian put down his bag of Tide and toilet paper and said to me, "I don't want to do this anymore. I love you but I'm not in love with you. I want to see what else is out there." My heart dropped to the floor.

Two months later, I moved out of our apartment. The Italian and I stayed in touch after our split. We even hooked up a few times over the years, as longtime exes often do. We attempted a brief reconciliation a year after our break up. I was hesitant. Scared I'd get hurt again. But my love for him outweighed my fears. He invited me to his office Christmas party. Did I mention The Italian was a surgeon by now? Yup. A doctor of orthopedic surgery. Anyway, we both got dressed up. I wore a body hugging little black Dolce and Gabbana dress with a sexy red cape shawl thrown over my shoulders. He had on a black suit that made him look like The Italian James Bond. Okay. Maybe less James Bond and more Tony Montana. We spent that romantic night on a rented yacht off the coast of Catalina dancing beside his colleagues and their wives. He took me out on a few more dates. Then it all came to a screeching halt.

At the time, I was teaching a creative writing summer camp. Making great money to school some rich kids on how to write a screenplay. The Italian called me on my cell phone in the middle of my class. I stepped outside and was shocked by what he told me. He said that he'd been seeing another woman. A school teacher who lived in Orange County. One of the school teacher's friends had seen The Italian and I out on a date a few nights before, and now his "other woman" wanted to talk to me. "She's freaking out on me and I was wondering if you could just tell her you called me and wanted to have dinner to get some closure?" The Italian said. "You want me to LIE?!?" I hung up the phone and stopped talking to him that day.

About three years after that, The Italian called me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to accompany him on a trip to Florence-a place we had always talked about going together. He said he missed me and compared every woman he dated to me, and none of them stacked up. Duh! He also said he was ready to be a husband and father. I told him that I wasn't ready for any of that. And besides, I was in a relationship with someone else. Mark. We had just moved in together, and although our relationship was already going south, I was committed to making things work with Mark. So, as tempting as a free trip to Italy was, I declined.

A few month's later, me and Mark's relationship was finally over. Three years together and it was kaput. We were still shacked up because my new apartment wouldn't be ready until the following weekend. So I decided to take a drive down to San Diego to escape and do some writing. I contacted The Italian, cause, Hey-why not. He was so excited to hear from me and immediately invited me out to dinner. I accepted, but told him that I'd be staying at a friends place that evening, so I couldn't be out too late. It was a lie to save myself and him from the temptation of a torrid night between the sheets. Cause we both knew if there was one thing that was always good between us, it was the sex. We never had a problem in that area.

So I dropped the top on my red VW Cabriolet and headed down the coast to San Diego. On the way, I decided to call my best girlfriend who lived about an hour outside of SD. Raquel lived in Dana Point with her fiance, Tim who also happend to be best friends with The Italian. She answered the phone on the first ring.

Raquel: So what are YOU up to this weekend?

ME: Obviously you've heard.

Raquel: Of COURSE I heard. Kyle called Tim all excited about your dinner tonight. What are you thinking?

ME: I'm thinking that I'm lonely. And I miss him. And I just want to see him and find out if there's anything still there.

Raquel: Well Kyle clearly thinks there's something there. He already booked a hotel room for the two of you. At the Hotel Solamar.

ME: What?! You're kidding me.

Raquel: Nope. That's what he told Tim. He wants to seduce you tonight. Be careful.

Well there was no seduction that night. Just a great meal and a lot of wine. Then I disentangled myself from The Italian and went back to my own hotel room. At the Marriott. Definitely no Hotel Solamar. Although I was broken up with Mark, I was still technically living with him. It just didn't seem right to get physically involved with someone else, even The Italian. And besides, I was still a little burnt from him asking me to lie to his school teacher girlfriend.

We talked on the phone a few times after that. Debated meeting up or a coffee, just to catch up. But we never followed through. And now, he's getting married. And it's not to me.

Somehow, I find some solace in the thought that he surely bought her engagement ring from Zale's. I hope to God he also bought himself a new gold chain.

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